December 09 2016 0 comment


The project focuses on studying carbon fluxes associated with migrant zooplankton and micronekton below the permanent thermocline, in order to obtain a more accurate perspective on the carbon sequestration phenomenon that occurs in the deep ocean. Preliminary results suggest the hypothesis that an enrichment in the upper layers may be transported downwards, and that at the same time we are heavily underestimating carbon sequestration in the ocean. Although knowledge of this transport in the mesopelagic layer is growing, the role of pelagic fauna in fuelling the bathypelagic zone is completely unknown.

SITMA is collaborating in this project by providing an ASL Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (AZFP), which makes it possible to monitor the presence and abundance of zooplankton and fish within the water column down to 6000 m depth.

Further information on the project: +Info


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